About Us
75th Ranger rgt association
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Mission Statement
To identify and offer membership to all eligible 75th Infantry Rangers, and members of the Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol Companies, Long Range Patrol Companies, Ranger Companies and Detachments, Vietnamese Ranger Advisors of the Biet Dong Quan and the 75th Ranger Regiment.
To sustain the Association.
To attain maximum participation by members in good standing in all Association activities.
To assist, when possible, those active units and their members who bear the colors and lineage of the 5307th Composite Provisional Unit (CPU), 475th Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry (Ranger) Companies (Merrill’s Marauders), 1st and 2nd Battalions (Ranger) 75th Infantry, the 75th Ranger Regiment, consisting of Regimental Headquarters 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Ranger Battalions, successor units, or additions to the Regiment.
To memorialize those of our comrades who are missing in action, who died while serving their country or while serving in units that qualify them for membership in this Association.
To carry out programs and activities worthy of the Association.
To organize and unite those eligible for membership in a fraternal bond: to pay homage to units in which we served by perpetuating the history and traditions of those units, and, to honor our comrades, living and dead, whose service was in keeping with the duties and responsibilities of American Rangers.
75th Ranger RGT Association
About Us
The Ranger Creed
Recognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and high esprit de corps of my Ranger Regiment.
The history of the 75th RRA started with telephone call during March of 1985 from Donald H. Lynch, Company “F” 58th Infantry, Long Range Patrol, 101st Airborne Division to retired Command Sergeant Major Robert F. Gilbert a former First Sergeant for Company L, Ranger 75th Infantry.
Regular membership is afforded to any individual who served honorably in any of the predecessor or successor units, or who is presently serving in a current or successor unit listed in ARTICLE V of these Bylaws.
Patrolling Magazine
Distributed quarterly, Patrolling is an in-depth magazine that keeps our members abreast of the latest news, stories, and events. Not to mention, it contains invaluable articles of interest and historical insights.

75th Ranger Regiment Association, Inc.
PO Box 2200
Orangevale, CA 95662