Membership Application
Member Profile

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SECTION 1: There is formed an organization known as the: 75th Ranger Regiment Association, Inc.
SECTION 2: The principal office of the Association shall be the address designated by the incumbent President of the Association.
SECTION 1: To organize and unite those who are eligible for membership in a fraternal bond.
SECTION 2: To pay homage to units in which we served by perpetuating the history and traditions of those units.
SECTION 3: To honor our comrades, past and present, whose service was in keeping with the duties and responsibilities of American Rangers.
SECTION 1: To identify and offer membership to all eligible members.
SECTION 2: To sustain the Association and its Bylaws.
SECTION 3: To encourage and attain maximum participation in all Association activities.
SECTION 4: To assist, when possible, those units eligible for membership in this Association.
SECTION 5: To memorialize those of our comrades who are missing in action, who died while serving their country or while serving in units that qualify them for membership in this Association.
SECTION 6: To execute programs and activities worthy of the Association.
SECTION 1: Members shall not engage in activities that are not in the best interest of the United States of America, the United States Army or this Association.
SECTION 2: The Association shall not endorse or support any political candidate, platform or party. The Association, as a whole or in part, may use its resources for the improvement of the Association and its goals and values.
SECTION 3: Officers, directors and members shall not engage in any form of activity that implies or specifically relates the Association to any form of public activity without first obtaining approval from the Association.
SECTION 4: The foregoing does not preclude the Association from being supportive of United States policy and objectives.
SECTION 5: The foregoing does not restrict or prohibit members from engaging in activities, which are the constitutional rights of any citizen.
SECTION 6: Violation of the intent of this ARTICLE may result in loss of vested right to membership.
SECTION 1: The Association shall consist of various classes of members, as defined in ARTICLE VIII. The qualified members of the units listed below are considered eligible for ‘Regular’ membership. Also eligible are members of predecessor and successor units to those listed below, as well as all past, present or future units authorized the colors and coat of arms established for the Merrill’s Marauders. In addition to the unit eligibility sited above, and subject to approval of a General Membership vote, additional units from various sized elements, who produce evidence that they operated or served as a LRRP / LRP unit, may be eligible as part of their parent units under their existing Unit Directors.
SECTION 2: Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol
A. V Corp (LRRP)
B. VII Corp (LRRP)
C. 9th Inf. Div. (LRRP)
D. 25th Inf. Div. (LRRP)
E. 196th Inf. Bde. (LRRP)
F. 1st Cav. Div. (LRRP)
G. 1st Inf. Div. (LRRP)
H. 4th Inf. Div. (LRRP)
I. 101st Abn. Div., 1st Bde. (LRRP)
J. 199th Inf. Bde. (LRRP)
K. 173rd Abn. Bde. (LRRP)
L. 3rd Inf. Div. (LRRP)
SECTION 3: Long Range Patrol
A. Co D (LRP) 17th Inf.
B. Co E (LRP) 20th Inf.
C. Co E (LRP) 30th Inf.
D. Co E (LRP) 50th Inf.
E. Co F (LRP) 50th Inf.
F. Co E (LRP) 51st Inf.
G. Co F (LRP) 51st Inf.
H. Co E (LRP) 52nd Inf.
I. Co F (LRP) 52nd Inf.
J. Co C (LRP) 58th Inf.
K. Co E (LRP) 58th Inf.
L. Co F (LRP) 58th Inf.
M. 70th Inf. DET (LRP)
N. 71st Inf. DET (LRP)
O. 74th Inf. DET (LRP)
P. 78th Inf. DET (LRP)
Q. 79th Inf. DET (LRP)
R. Co D (LRP) 151st Inf.
SECTION 4: 75th Infantry Ranger Companies
A. Co A (RANGER) 75th Inf.
B. Co B (RANGER) 75th Inf.
C. Co C (RANGER) 75th Inf.
D. Co D (RANGER) 75th Inf.
E. Co E (RANGER) 75th Inf.
F. Co F (RANGER) 75th Inf.
G. Co G (RANGER) 75th Inf.
H. Co H (RANGER) 75th Inf.
I. Co I (RANGER) 75th Inf.
J. Co K (RANGER) 75th Inf.
K. Co L (RANGER) 75th Inf.
L. Co M (RANGER) 75th Inf.
M. Co N (RANGER) 75th Inf.
N. Co O (RANGER) 75th Inf.
O. Co P (RANGER) 75th Inf.
P. Co D (RANGER) 151st Inf.
SECTION 5: Vietnamese Ranger Advisors BDQ
All units of the Biet Dong Quan (BDQ).
SECTION 6: 75th Ranger Regiment
A. 1st Battalion (Ranger) 75th Inf., activated in 1974.
B. 2nd Battalion (Ranger) 75th Inf., activated in 1974.
C. 3rd Battalion (Ranger) 75th Inf., activated in 1984.
D. 75th Ranger Regiment HQ’s Company, activated in 1984.
E. 75th Ranger Regiment, designated in 1986, and all subordinate, assigned and attached units.
SECTION 7: Long Range Surveillance Any Long Range Surveillance Company or Detachment that can trace its’ lineage to, or is currently assigned to a Brigade or larger element that was deployed to Vietnam.
SECTION 1: The Board of Directors encourages the formation of unit or regional associations within the framework of these Bylaws. The Association may be divided into unit and/or regional organizations for administrative purposes and /or control, which will be administered by the Board of Directors.
SECTION 2: The Association may be divided into groupings of units, by members who served in those units, for the purposes of parades, special events, or other reasons. These groupings are considered temporary.
SECTION 3: Geographic boundaries for regional activities may be provided when a situation requiring them occurs.
SECTION 4: Charters will not be issued to sub-unit associations.
SECTION 1: Membership qualification – Individuals making application, meeting the requirements of any class of membership shall complete an application, provide evidence of having served with a qualified unit, and pay dues as appropriate to the class of membership applied for. No application will be processed when any of the above steps are incomplete.
SECTION 2: Loss of membership
Active membership in the Association may be terminated for any of the following reasons:
a. Failure to pay dues in accordance with procedures prescribed in the By-Laws of the Association except as provided for in SECTION 7 of this ARTICLE.
b. Receipt of information by the Board of Directors that any member has acted in a manner to bring discredit upon the Association, or has abused membership privileges for personal gain, or engaged in Stolen Valor behavior. The Board of Directors is obliged to follow the procedures outlined in ARTICLE XIX of these Bylaws.
c. Proof received by the Board of Directors that any member acquired status by means of falsification or misrepresentation of qualifications.
SECTION 3: Death of a member
The Association Secretary will, upon notification of death of a member:
a. Publish a notification in the next Association newsletter, or make the announcement at the general membership meeting, whichever shall occur first.
b. Notify the member’s survivors that they are considered affiliate members for the remainder of the deceased member’s period of membership, and may continue affiliation under rules pertaining to affiliation.
c. Retain on the membership rolls the names of all deceased members, and identify them by an asterisk in the margin preceding the name.
d. Membership numbers of deceased members will not be reused.
SECTION 4: Membership Rosters
The Association Secretary will publish once a year, and distribute at reunions or by mail, a membership roster to each Unit Director.
SECTION 5: Approval of membership
Membership applications will be submitted directly to the Secretary of the Association, with appropriate dues. Either documentation, or verification by two other members, is considered appropriate proof for membership.
SECTION 6: Eligible inactive members
The Association Secretary will maintain, as current as possible, lists of all eligible potential members of the Association. At the discretion of the Board of Directors, specific Association literature may be mailed to non-members as an instrument in the recruitment process. The lists will continue to be maintained as a cross-reference for members attempting to locate former members.
SECTION 7: Members economic status (Waived dues)
Current or potential members shall not be denied or prohibited membership in the Association because of temporary or permanent change in economic status. Incapacitated members may receive waived dues status after a review and approval of the Board of Directors. Incarcerated members may receive waived dues status after a review and approval of the Board of Directors. The members Unit Director must contact the Associations Secretary for waived dues status.
SECTION 1: Classes of membership
Membership in the Association shall consist of several classes of membership with specific qualifications for each class of membership. All memberships require a completed application, payment of at least one year’s annual dues, and proof of service. The eligibility criteria for each class of membership are outlined below. Except for voting rights being reserved for Regular membership only, each class of membership shall enjoy equal privileges of membership. All classes of membership shall be considered in good standing through the payment of annual dues or as Life Members, unless such membership is terminated in accordance with ARTICLE VII, SECTION 2 of these Bylaws. Rights and privileges of membership include participation in Association events, activities, functions and mailings of Association literature.
SECTION 2: Regular membership
Regular membership is afforded to any individual who served honorably in any of the predecessor or successor units, or who is presently serving in a current or successor unit listed in ARTICLE V of these Bylaws. Regular active members enjoy the full rights and privileges of membership, to include the responsibility and the right to vote on all issues and matters presented to the membership, which include elections of all Executive Board Officers of the Association and changes to these Bylaws. Only members afforded Regular membership status may hold National level Association office of Executive Board of Officers. Applications for Regular membership, along with the prescribed supporting documentation, shall be submitted to the Association Secretary.
SECTION 3: Associate membership
Associate membership may be afforded to any member of the United States Military, or civilian accredited by the United States Army, who accompanied or served in a direct combat role supporting any element listed in ARTICLE V on combat operations in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Iran, Grenada, Panama, Somalia, Iraq or Afghanistan. Also eligible for Associate membership are graduates of the US Army Ranger School and who have been awarded the US Army Ranger tab. Associate members enjoy the full rights and privileges of membership except the right to vote on any issues and matters presented to the membership. Associate members shall not be extended the rights or privileges of voting in elections of Executive Board Officers of the Association or on changes to these Bylaws nor may they hold National level Association office of Executive Board of Officers. Applications for Associate membership, along with the prescribed supporting documentation, shall be submitted to the Association Secretary.
SECTION 4: Affiliate membership
Affiliate membership may be afforded to any parents or children of any deceased member, for the remaining period of that member’s membership year, and for any year thereafter, by payment of annual dues, unless otherwise qualified for Gold Star Membership. Also eligible for Affiliate membership are foreign members who served in, with or accompanied any element listed in ARTICLE V of these Bylaws. Affiliate members enjoy the full rights and privileges of membership, except the right to vote on any issues or matters presented to the membership or in elections of all Executive Board Officers of the Association. Affiliate members shall not be extended the rights or privileges of voting on changes to these Bylaws, nor may they hold National level Association office of Executive Board of Officers. Applications for Affiliate membership, along with the prescribed supporting documentation, shall be submitted to the Association Secretary.
SECTION 5: Gold Star membership
The surviving mother or wife of any qualified member, killed while in the line of duty, while serving in one of the units listed in ARTICLE V, shall be eligible for Gold Star membership. A Life Membership certificate shall be issued in the name of the deceased member and the Gold Star recipient, jointly. Gold Star members enjoy the full rights and privileges of membership except the right to vote on any issues and matters presented to the membership. Gold Star members shall not be extended the rights or privileges of voting in elections of Executive Board Officers of the Association or on changes to these Bylaws, nor may they hold National level Association office of Executive Board of Officers. The Unit Director shall be the approving authority for Gold Star membership applications. Applications for Gold Star membership, along with the prescribed supporting documentation, shall be submitted to the Association Secretary.
SECTION 6: Honorary membership
Honorary titles shall be bestowed upon those individuals, as deemed by the Association President, whose service, commitment or actions are in the highest traditions and best interest of this Association. Honorary members enjoy the full rights and privileges of membership except the right to vote on any issues and matters presented to the membership. Honorary members shall not be extended the rights or privileges of voting in elections of Executive Board Officers of the Association or on changes to these Bylaws, nor may they hold National Level Association office of Executive Board of Officers. The Association President shall be the approving authority on Honorary membership applications. Completed Applications for Honorary membership, along with the prescribed supporting documentation, shall be submitted to the Association Secretary.
SECTION 7: Active Duty Membership
All personnel of the 75th Ranger Regiment are eligible for membership to the 75th Ranger Regiment Association at no cost while maintaining service in the regiment. This will be a non-voting class and Patrolling will be made available electronically. Upon leaving the regiment, they may apply for full regular membership with application and payment of dues.
SECTION 8: Corporate membership
Corporate membership may be afforded to business entities that wish to support the Association in the form of monetary contributions, services or support which is in the best interest of the Association or its members. Corporate members shall not be extended the rights or privileges of other classes of membership, which include voting on any issues or matters presented to the membership. Additionally, Corporate members shall not be extended the rights or privileges of voting in elections of Executive Board Officers of the Association or on changes to these Bylaws, nor may they hold National level Association office of Executive Board of Officers. The Association Secretary shall be the approving authority on Corporate membership application. Applications for Corporate membership shall be submitted to the Association Secretary.
SECTION 9: Association Membership
Association membership may be afforded to Associations, whose history and purpose are consistent with those of the 75th Ranger Regiment Association, and as deemed eligible by the Board of Directors, for the purpose of housing their colors, memorabilia and legacy. Merger expenses and dues structure shall be negotiated, as applicable, by the Board of Directors. Such Associations shall maintain their own leadership as long as possible and they will be afforded appropriate mention in the Patrolling Magazine. Association members shall not be extended the rights or privileges of other classes of membership which include voting on any issues or matters presented to the membership. Additionally, Association members shall not be extended the rights or privileges of voting in elections of Executive Board Officers of this Association or on changes to these Bylaws, nor may they hold National level Association office of Executive Board of Officers. The Executive Board Officers shall be the approving authority on Association membership applications. Applications for Associate membership, along with the prescribed supporting documentation, shall be submitted to the Association Secretary.
SECTION 10: Magazine Subscribers
Subscription to Patrolling will be allowed, however, Magazine Subscribers are not a class of membership and therefore no rights or privileges shall be afforded them. The Association Secretary shall be the approving authority on Magazine Subscribers applications. Applications for Magazine Subscribers shall be submitted to the Association Secretary.
SECTION 1: The President shall preside over all meetings of the Association’s General Membership, Board of Directors, or any Special Meeting. The Secretary, in concert with other members of the Board of Directors, will prepare an agenda for each meeting.
SECTION 2: In order to maintain relevance and flow during Association meetings, the President may establish and enforce additional measures or parameters to preclude the introduction of issues which are non-approved or disruptive to the proceedings.
SECTION 3: A member or group of members, whose conduct is deemed by the Chair to be antagonist in nature, may be asked to be seated, to leave the meeting, and/or be ejected from such meeting, should their conduct be considered to be disruptive to the majority or cause other members to leave the meeting in frustration. Should any meeting become so rowdy or disruptive that control is lost by the Chair, such meeting will be terminated immediately, and shall be followed by a Special Meeting of the Officer Directors, and/or the Board of Directors, to deal with such problems.
SECTION 4: Nothing in the foregoing is to be construed as authorization to cut off vigorous debate regarding actions taken, pending or contemplated by the Board of Directors or Officer Directors. However, limits on such debate will be controlled by the Chair through a system of time constraints for arguments. To preclude redundancy and/or illegitimate arguments and to avoid wasting the time of the membership, arguments for a specific issue shall be presented by a single spokesman, selected by a simple majority of the proponents of the issue. The Chair shall afford reasonable time to select a spokesman.
SECTION 5: One business meeting will be conducted during each Association reunion. All members must be current in their dues prior to attending a membership meeting.
SECTION 6: If for any reason a scheduled reunion is not held during a given year, the Board of Directors will select the next reunion site. Reunion dates and locations will be selected by the membership in attendance through a simple majority vote during each reunion membership meeting. A volunteer Reunion Chairman shall agree to perform the required coordination and arrangements for the reunion or the site selection and date will be considered nullified. If needed, the Reunion Chairman may appoint volunteer assistants to aide him in these tasks.
SECTION 7: Order of business:
1. Call to Order
2. Presentation of colors, and/or salute to colors
3. Invocation
4. Reading of the minutes of the last meeting
5. President’s Report
6. Secretary’s Report
7. Treasurer’s Report
8. Old business
9. Reports by Committees
10. New business
11. Installation of Officer Directors
12. Adjournment
SECTION 1: Only members with ‘Regular’ membership status shall have full voting rights and privileges on all issues presented to the Association. Voting members must be in good standing and may have one vote in either one of the following forums:
a. One vote at any regular or special general membership meeting in either an open or secret ballot.
b. One vote by mail-in or electronic email ballot.
SECTION 2: Members voting by mail in ballot and then attending a membership meeting to vote in person will first have their mail-in ballot pulled from the count. Absentee or proxy ballots are not authorized in any voting matter.
SECTION 3: On matters not concerning changes to these Bylaws, a simple majority vote by attending members in good standing is deemed sufficient to carry a vote at any regular or special membership meeting. Voting may be preceded by information and/or debate regarding the individual(s) or issues being voted on. Issues presented from the floor may he voted on and passed by a simple majority at any general membership meeting. Debate of an issue will be limited to five minutes per individual. A majority vote is considered to be one vote more than half the assembled members.
SECTION 4: On matters concerning changes to these Bylaws, a ballot will be provided to every member in good standing prior to a general membership meeting. Executed ballots will be accepted only if mailed or e-mailed to the Association Secretary. Ballots will be verified by the Secretary and included with the final tally of floor votes at regular or special membership meetings. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of the entire voting membership is necessary to change these Bylaws. A 2/3 vote is considered to be 66.6% of all votes cast by either method. The non-submission of a ballot, or non-replying votes, will be considered as an Abstain vote and will not count against the overall vote count.
SECTION 1: Individuals desiring to be Executive Officers or Unit Directors must clearly state to the membership that they have, or will make available, their time for Association business and the funds to defray personal expenses while conducting Association business.
a. The Association will be administered by the four Executive Officers and a Unit Director from each of the major units authorized membership as designated in Article V of these Bylaws.
b. The Association will provide the Executive Officer members with official stationary to conduct their duties on behalf of the Association. Specifically authorized are the day-to-day expenditures by the Officers, in administration of their official duties of the Association’s affairs such as postage and telephone costs, properly documented by the Secretary, approved by the President, and repaid by the Treasurer. Other expenditures such as office supplies require another Officers concurrence.
c. Organizational funds will not be used, ever, to pay for any Board of Directors transportation, meals or motel/hotel expenses for normal Association business. However, the President is allowed an annual travel stipend of $2,500.00 for Association business.
d. A voucher control system will be instituted by the Treasurer to account for all administrative expenditures. These administrative expenditures will be made public at each annual meeting by the Treasurer in his report.
SECTION 2: The following Executive Offices are established: (Elected)
a. President: Chairman / Chief Executive Officer
b. First Vice President: Programs / Protocol / Membership Recruitment / Vice Chairman
c. Second Vice President: Membership recruitment, operations
d. Secretary: Administration and Membership
e. Treasurer: Chief Financial Officer
SECTION 3: The following Offices are established: (Elected)
Unit Directors: One Unit Director authorized per major unit in accordance with ARTICLE V of these Bylaws.
SECTION 4: The following Offices are established: (Past Leadership)
Past Presidents Advisory Council: All past Presidents (Elected) are members of this Council.
SECTION 5: The following Offices are established: (Appointed)
a. Association Patrolling Magazine Editor
b. Association Web Master
c. Association VA Advocate
d. Association Health Advocate
e. Association Chaplain
SECTION 6: (Elected Offices)
a. (Officers) – All Executive Officers are members of the Board of Directors. All Executive Officers are elected into office during National Reunions for a two-year term. The president may succeed himself as president, but only for one successive term. Either Vice-President may be elected as the President but may not succeed himself as the incumbent 1st or 2nd Vice-President; however, either may run for the other Vice-President position, but only once. The Secretary and / or the Treasurer may succeed themselves in their existing office for as many terms as the General Membership will allow.
After a two-year break in service from any Officer position, an individual may stand as a new candidate for that or any other Officer position.
The Secretary shall publish notification to the membership, not less than three months prior to National Reunion, the names of proposed candidates and the positions for which they are standing. Nominations may also be taken from the floor, seconded and approved by a simple majority. Newly elected Executive Officers will assume their positions and duties on the day following the last day of the National Reunion. If a National Reunion or General Membership meeting is not held or a General Membership meeting is terminated, then the Unit Directors shall select an interim set of Officers until the next National Reunion. Selection of an interim set of Officers should be accomplished two weeks prior to the end of the term of the incumbent Officers.
b. Unit Directors – All elected Unit Directors are members of the Board of Directors. Unit Directors are elected or reelected at the discretion of their sponsoring units, with no limits on succession. Elections shall be held in an open forum only, during unit membership meetings. The Secretary shall provide written notification to the membership of the names of proposed candidates, the positions for which they are standing and the names of those elected as Unit Director. Association Officers shall act only in the capacity of assisting the units in selecting an interim Unit Director should a Unit Director fail to fulfill his office. Newly elected Unit Directors will assume their positions and duties at the discretion of the sponsoring unit.
c. Past Presidents Advisory Council – Members must have served as an elected President in the past. Members serve and participate at their will.
d. Appointed Positions – Appointed positions may be created, filled or vacated at the discretion of the President, at any time, to facilitate the day-to-day operations or for the good of the Association.
SECTION 1: The President
a. The President is the Chairman of the Board and has full Executive authority to administer the association in its day to day business and operations.
b. Preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, Special, Committee and General Membership.
c. Appoint Committees, Advocates, Editors, Web Master and any other non-elected position to facilitate the functions of the day to day operations of the Association.
d. Nominate a replacement to the (Officer) Board of Directors to fill the unexpired term of any (Officer) Board of Directors member who dies, resigns, or is removed for misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance. The Board of Directors must concur with the replacement with a 2/3 vote, and the tenure will be that of the member replaced.
e. The President is required to authenticate any check over $750.00.
- The president shall appoint staff responsibility for the magazine to one of the Vice Presidents as oversight.
SECTION 2: The 1st Vice President
a. The 1st Vice President will assume duties of the President during his absence, or in the event of his death, incapacity, removal, or resignation.
b. Is responsible for Programs and Protocol.
c. Chair ad-hoc committees.
d. Recommend guest speakers for the reunion.
e. Perform other duties as directed by the President.
SECTION 3: The 2nd Vice President
a. The 2nd Vice President will assume duties of the 1st Vice President during his absence, or in the event of his death, incapacity, removal, or resignation.
b. Is responsible for Operations.
c. Assists the State Advocate as required.
d. Advises the president on matters of recruitment of new members.
e. Performs other duties as directed by the President.
SECTION 4: The Secretary
a. The Secretary is the principle administrator for the Association, and has full executive authority to fulfill the function.
b. Be responsible for administration.
c. Develop and maintain official mail and membership rosters.
d. Preside at all meetings during the absence of the President and Vice President.
e. Perform other duties as the President directs.
The Secretary shall have custody of the official seal of the Association. Directors may maintain working paper files concerning their areas of responsibility, however they will forward original copies of official correspondence to the Secretary.
SECTION 5: The Treasurer
a. The Treasurer is the principal finance officer for the Association. He has Executive authority commensurate with his responsibilities.
b. Responsibility for the budget and funding.
c. Preparing and issuing checks against the Associations accounts.
d. Acquires counter signatures on all checks as required, or in excess of $750.00, except for budgeted items as approved by the Budget Committee.
e. Receives and deposits all funds for the Association.
f. Recommends changes to Association fiscal policy in a timely manner.
g. Provides a quarterly financial report for the Officer Directors.
h. Provides an annual report to the membership.
i. Requires accountability by the Reunion Committee for monies dedicated by the national Association, generated by reunion activities earned or owed by the Association.
SECTION 5: Past Presidents Advisory Council
a. All past Presidents of the Association are members of the Council.
b. The Council is to advise the current President on issues that the current President seeks advice on.
c. The current President is under no requirement to seek such council nor are any recommendations of the Council binding on the president.
SECTION 1: The Board of Directors shall be responsible for conducting activities approved by the membership.
SECTION 2: The Board of Directors shall have the power to act on or approve proposals, including expenditures, in consonance with the Bylaws of this Association, and not prohibited by the membership, or contrary to accepted mores of the Association.
SECTION 3: Conduct the administrative and financial affairs of the Association in an efficient manner.
SECTION 4: Recommend to the membership proposed changes to these Bylaws.
SECTION 5: Vote on all matters requiring a decision of the full Board of Directors. This may be accomplished via telephone, in writing, e-mail or by secret ballot, following debate or discussion. Directors failing to vote will be shown in the minutes as having abstained.
SECTION 1: The following positions may be used as active-duty advisors:
a. The current Regimental Commanding Officer (RCO) 75th Ranger Regiment.
b. The Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM).
c. The Battalion Commanders of the Ranger Regiment and their Command Sergeants Major.
d. The current President is under no requirement to seek such counsel or advice, nor are any recommendations of these advisors binding on the president.
SECTION 1: Committees may be formed at the discretion of the Association President or a majority of the Board of Directors. The President, from time to time, may appoint a Committee or Committees to accomplish Association business that, in his mind, requires the fullest representation of the membership’s wishes. A consensus of the majority of the Board of Directors may vote to form a Committee to cause and enforce the membership’s wishes.
SECTION 2: A Budget Committee shall be formed at the direction and discretion of the Association President.
a. The Budget Committee will advise the Treasurer on sound financial matters.
b. The Budget Committee will recommend to the full Board of Directors, procedures for maintaining the Association on a sound financial basis.
c. The Budget Committee will recommend to the full Board of Directors an operating budget for the upcoming calendar and fiscal year.
d. Specifically, the Budget Committee will provide the following budget considerations:
1. Annual administrative operating expenses, to the Association and the Board of Directors.
2. Making timely recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning changes in investment strategies and procedures.
3. Monitoring the handling of reunion funds to ensure that procedures, safeguards, and reports are complied with.
4. Monitoring and administering programs approved by the Board of Directors.
5. Monitoring and administering programs approved by the membership.
6. Reimbursement to the Board of Directors for authorized postage and telephone calls.
SECTION 3: A Reunion Committee shall be formed at the direction and discretion of the Association President.
a. A Reunion Committee will sponsor reunions in various parts of the United States.
b. Lessons learned from each reunion will be compiled by the Reunion Committee Chairman and submitted to the Association Secretary. The Association Secretary will incorporate these lessons into a Standing Operating Procedure (SOP).
c. The Board of Directors is the approving authority for vendors wishing to sell products or items during the reunion.
d. The Reunion Committee shall not enter into any contracts without the approval of the Association President.
SECTION 4: A Bylaws Committee shall be formed at the direction and discretion of the Association President.
a. The Bylaws Committee will make recommendations to the full Board of Directors on changes needed in the Bylaws.
b. The Bylaws Committee shall monitor and administer recommendations submitted to the General Membership.
c. The Bylaws Committee shall monitor and administer the following:
1. The collection of ballots.
2. The validation of each ballot.
3. The counting and tallying of ballots.
4. The floor count of members at the General Membership meeting.
5. That proper parliamentary procedures for conducting voting are followed.
6. The reporting and submission of approved changes to these Bylaws to the General Membership.
SECTION 5: A Membership Committee shall be formed at the direction and discretion of the Association President.
a. The Membership Committee will make recommendations to the full Board of Directors on changes needed in the Membership recruitment practices.
b. The Membership Committee shall monitor and administer recommendations submitted to the Board of Directors concerning membership recruitment practices.
SECTION 6: A Disciplinary Committee shall be formed at the direction and discretion of the Association President.
a. The Disciplinary Committee will make recommendations to the full Board of Directors on matters of misconduct.
b. The Disciplinary Committee shall monitor the actions of the Board of Directors concerning matters of misconduct.
SECTION 1: The Treasurer will provide the General Membership with a simple to read financial report to be published each year in the first quarterly publication of the Patrolling Magazine and at the General Membership meeting during scheduled reunions. Any items listed under miscellaneous, will be spelled out in full, in an enclosure, annex, or tab, to the report. The Treasurer will present a Financial State of the Association at the General Membership meeting.
SECTION 2: The Treasurer will provide the Board of Directors with copies of a simple to read financial report, quarterly by e-mail media. Any items listed under miscellaneous will be described in full in an enclosure, annex, or tab to the report.
SECTION 3: The Treasurer will establish accounts into which all receipts will be deposited promptly. Whenever the balance of such account is greater than $3,500.00, the Secretary shall inform members of the Board of Directors.
SECTION 4: The Treasurer will organize procedures for the authentication of all checks drawn against the Association’s accounts or funds, or the transfer of any assets from one account or fund to another.
SECTION 5: The Treasurer will ensure that the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer are registered as signatories on all Association accounts.
SECTION 6: The Secretary will ensure that the Treasurer and the Secretary are ‘Bonded’ by a reputable bonding service specifically as Officers of the 75th Ranger Regiment Association regardless of any other bonding service they may possess. The Secretary will maintain this documentation on file at all times and ensure that adequate bonding is renewed in a timely manner.
SECTION 7: The Association Secretary in coordination with the Treasurer will ensure that a ‘Financial Review’ is conducted of the Association financial records prior to each scheduled Association reunion. This financial review will be conducted by a separate entity other than the Chief Financial Officer. This financial review will be presented to the Board of Directors by the Association Secretary.
SECTION 1: The guiding principle for the Board of Directors is to ensure the financial integrity of the Association. Accomplishment of that principle will be done through preserving capital, ensuring the budget is balanced each year, accumulating sufficient funds to meet annual expenditures from dividends and interest earned from invested capital. All accounts in the name of the 75th Ranger Regiment Association shall be insured by the FDIC.
SECTION 2: A General Operating Fund will be established and maintained for the Association. This fund will consist of all annual dues received, interest earned from monies realized from sale of Association controlled items, income from all interest bearing funds and accounts, contributions and any profit realized from the preceding reunion. Daily operating expenses of the Association will be met through the General Operating Fund. This fund will be monitored by the Association Vice President, Treasurer, and the Budget Committee.
SECTION 3: A Reunion Operating Fund will be established and maintained for the Association. This fund shall consist of all monies donated or otherwise contributed to the Association, monies collected from vendors, interest and other sources, to meet budgeted costs of the reunion. This fund will be administered by the Secretary, through the Treasurer, and payments may be advanced to the reunion Chairman upon presentment of justifiable expenses and bills. This fund will be monitored by the President, Treasurer, and the Budget Committee.
SECTION 4: A interest-bearing savings account will be used to provide and maintain a reserve for the Association to meet contingencies, and to hold funds programmed for pre-reunion advances to reunion Chairmen. This account will be an item of interest for the Budget Committee and the Board of Directors.
SECTION 1: The fiscal year for the Association will be the calendar year from 1 July of the current year through 30 June of the next year.
SECTION 2: Annual dues are part of the responsibility and privilege of being a member. The Board of Directors is responsible for determining the amount of dues required annually. The dues may be raised or lowered by a majority vote of the Board of Directors followed by the General Membership confirmation.
SECTION 3: Annual membership dues rate, if changed by the Board of Directors, shall take effect on the first day of the new membership year (1 July), following announcement of the change published in the Patrolling Magazine.
SECTION 4: Members who are delinquent in paying their dues, after being sent a notice of bad standing by the Secretary, will be dropped from the rolls thirty (30) days after the notice is sent, unless such members’ dues are waived in accordance with ARTICLE VII, SECTION 7 of these Bylaws.
SECTION 1: Special and General Membership meetings will be conducted in accordance with generally accepted practices as in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (current) Edition.
SECTION 2: There are no provisions for suspending any portion or part of these Bylaws.
SECTION 3: Any conflicts in, or ambiguities between these By-Laws and Robert’s Rules Of Order will be judged in favor of these Bylaws. Any conflicts in, or ambiguities not covered in these Bylaws will be referred to Robert’s Rules Of Order for resolution. Any conflicts surfaced in these Bylaws are to be interpreted in favor of the greater majority of the membership, instead of the minority and with prudent consideration for the best interests of the Association and its members being the primary factor controlling all actions under these Bylaws.
SECTION 4: These Bylaws may be amended in accordance with ARTICLE X, SECTION 4 of these Bylaws.
SECTION 1: Approved by unanimous vote of the assembled members at the Ironworks Trade and Convention center, Columbus, Georgia, on July 27, 1988.
By order of the president
Robert P. Gilbert – President
SECTION 2: Amended by the membership under the rules for changes to the Constitution and By-Laws (Article X, Section 4) by written ballot and approved at the General Membership meeting in Tacoma, Washington on June 26, 1996.
By order of the president
Roy E. Barley – President
SECTION 3: Amended by the membership under the rules for changes to the Constitution and By-Laws (Article X, Section 4) by written ballot and approved at the General Membership meeting in Columbus, Georgia on July 11, 2002.
By order of the president
Emmett W. Hiltibrand – President
SECTION 4: Amended by the membership under the rules for changes to the Constitution and By-Laws (Article X, Section 4) and approved by unanimous vote of the assembled members at the Holiday Inn, Columbus, Georgia, on June 7, 2005.
By order of the president
Stephen C. Crabtree – President
SECTION 5: Amended by the membership under the rules for changes to the Constitution and By-Laws (Article X, Section 4) by written ballot and approved at the General Membership meeting in Columbus, Georgia on June 27, 2015.
By order of the president William T. Anton – President
SECTION 6: Amended by the membership under the rules for changes to the Constitution and By-Laws (Article X, Section 4) by written ballot and approved at the General Membership meeting in Columbus, Georgia on June 27, 2017
By order of the president
Richard S. Barela – President
SECTION 7: Amended by the membership under the rules for changes to the Constitution and By-Laws (Article X, Section 4) by written ballot and approved at the General Membership meeting in Phenix City, Al on July 23, 2021
By order of the president
Stephen O. Johnson, President

75th Ranger Regiment Association, Inc.
PO Box 2200
Orangevale, CA 95662